I am Cruz Gamboa

I Help People And Organizations
Turn Vision Into
Impactful Leadership

Find Your Way

How Can You Work With Me?

Gain Clarity


A unique 6 Week transformative experience to get clarity on your next steps in life and your career. Mastery of your life starts with knowing yourself. Enrollment is open until March 30

 Limited spots available. 


Deep Transformation


A personalized 3,6 or 9 month journey to find balance in your personal life and career. This is for individuals committed to their growth. We  go after ambitious goals.

 Limited spots available. 


Launch and Grow

Zonda Strategic

I help you build visionary level business plans & sharpen your strategy up to the full potential you envision. I bring expertise in corporate finance, negotiation and leadership to serve you.

 For businesses & startups only. 


Take The DRIVE Life Assessment

Takes 5 Minutes to start getting clarity!!

Do you know what areas of your life require your attention?

You can use the FREE “DRIVE Life Assessment” as preparation for goal setting or coaching. 

It helps identify the areas you want to work on and is a great way of visualizing your current and desired life.

Welcome Message


I believe that when we play with a full set of instruments, life and work become interesting and fulfilling.

From this energy, we can create more profitable businesses, improve relationships and work environments, and inspire our people to find meaning in their careers and their lives.

My mission is to assist motivated individuals and organizations  like you to Find Your Own Definition of Success and assist you in your journey!


The DRIVE Program©

Is a methodology and a set of tools that provides a structured approach to help you achieve audacious goals.

DRIVE is a guide for individuals and organizations seeking to tap into their inner potential & harness their inner motivations to shape their future.

When you play with all your instruments you Find Your Way.


The Five Steps Of The
DRIVE Program

An Executive Guide For DRIVEN Minds

Successful Individuals & Business Leaders understand the power of having the right people supporting them.  


“When you play with all your instruments, life gets really interesting and fulfilling. Most people are not playing with all their gifts”

“When we decide to do the work and face challenges as opportunities, all the negativity and confusion around us dissolves”


A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Starts With A Single Step

Take the first step and embrace the excitement of the unknown. 

Whether launching a project, getting a promotion or pursuing a passion, the key lies in that initial leap. 

Get started, and let the journey be the destination.


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